BIPOC Youth Face Systemic Barriers to Financial Inclusion
do not feel comfortable going to a bank to ask a question
report an average, below average or poor credit score
do not have a savings account
do not have emergency savings
FINRA Foundation’s National Financial Capability Study (2021)
Solutions from the Nation’s Leading Expert in Youth Financial Capability
MyPath designs, tests, and scales innovative youth financial capability interventions that engage young people as they earn their first income and begin their financial lives. By reaching youth at this key inflection point, our models provide a financial and economic boost while preventing costly financial challenges that prohibit wealth building.

Our Approach
We partner with youth-serving organizations – including nonprofits, cities, and financial institutions – to connect under-resourced, BIPOC youth with the financial knowledge, tools, and resources they need to begin banking, saving, and building credit so that they can successfully transition into adulthood and get on a path to upward economic mobility.

Field & Awareness Building

Design & Innovation

Delivery & Scale

Advocacy & Policy
35,800 youth reached since 2015
report an increase in financial knowledge and confidence
of participants are BIPOC
set aside emergency savings after Financial Mentoring
see an improved FICO credit score
average amount committed to savings from each paycheck